Cricket legend Kapil Dev and consultation firm Grant Thornton Bharat on Monday joined hands to launch a new annual golf tournament, named the Kapil Dev-Grant Thornton Invitational, presented by DLF.The tournament will be organised in association with the Professional Golf Tour of India (PGTI) -- the official sanctioning body for mens game in the country.Professionals along with amateurs, corporates and celebrity golfers will be seen in action in the Rs 1 crore event to be played from September 27 to 30 at the Gary Player Course of the DLF Golf and Country Club in Gurugram.It will be the first-ever full-fledged PGTI event to be played at The Gary Player Course, considered one of the most spectacular and challenging courses in the world.The tournament will feature 126 professional golfers and after two days, the top 50 players and ties will advance to the final rounds.The event will give amateur teams, consisting of golfers, celebrities and corporate leaders, a chance to partner with the pros in Rounds 3 and 4 to compete for separate team prizes.